Credits and References
Amos P. Lords Granddaughter, Virginia York (now deceased), and great granddaughter Brenda Goodale, were very helpful and supportive in my research.They generously supplied photos, and other odds and ends.Thanks also to Barbara Dyer (now deceased), local historian and author, for her interest and inspiration.Ed Coffin (also deceased) of Rockland, Maine, researched The Mugridge sail loft for me, and brought me several old ads. John Mayer, formerly of Maine Historical Society Museum in Portland, who included an exhibit of A.P. Lords tools as part of larger exhibit of maritime photographs. East Boothbay traditional sailmaker Nat Wilson, now retired, has always had a passion for the "old ways", and was responsible for sparking my interest in the craft back in 1973.
The Rockport and Camden, Maine Libraries
The Library of the Maine Maritime Museum, Bath Maine
The Belfast, Maine, Free Library
A Maritime History of Bath Maine and the Kennebec Region
William Avery Baker, 1973
Traditions and Records of Brooksville Maine
The Brooksville Historical Society, 1935-1936
Camden and Rockport
Barbara F. Dyer, 1995
Vessels of Camden
Barbara F. Dyer, 1998
Sailing Days on the Penobscot
George Wasson, 1949
A Shipyard in Maine
Ralph Linwood Snow and Capt. Douglas K. Lee, 1999
American Sail, a Pictorial History
Alexander Lane, 1961
Bent Sails
Janet Cutler Meade, 1961
Mildred, The Poet
If anyone recognizes her drawings (or prose) please let me know so I can give her full credit.
The Maine Historical Society maintains several interesting web sites. Some of A.P. Lords' tools can be seen on the Maine Memory Network, an extensive collection of Maine images.